Call for a Special Meeting to authorise changes to our constitution.
The Positive Money New Zealand committee has called a special meeting on Wednesday the 10th of July at 7pm to authorise the updating of our constitution, in the main to align with the requirements of The Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
Here is a link to the zoom meeting and the Agenda for the meeting and you are invited to attend, to vote on the new constitution
The changes are detailed below and an updated version of the Constitution is available for review
The following resolution will be put forward for members to vote on:
The changes to the constitution reference Jul24 are to be accepted.
Following is a list of the proposed changes:
All sections Change reference to Rules to Constitution,
1.2 Record the date of the resolution to constitute the society.
4.2 Each member of the committee is designated as an officer of the society.
7.3 Section deleted as it repeats section 7.2.
9.0 General roles for committee members (Officers) added
1. Act in good faith and in the best interests of the society
Exercise powers for proper purposes only
Comply with the Act and the constitution
Exercise reasonable care and diligence
Not create a substantial risk of serious loss to creditors
6. Not incur an obligation the officer doesn’t reasonably believe the society can perform.
9.2 Role of Treasurer expanded to include being the dedicated contact person.
9.2.e Requirement for Financial statements to be filed within 5 months of the balance date,
9.2 g Requirement to filing an annual return added.
11 Those applying for membership must consent to be members.
11.3 Minimum number of members recorded at 10.
12.1 Requirement for members of the Society to be the first members of Positive Money New Zealand Incorporated removed.
15.1 Definitions of activities that bring the society into disrepute added,
Making false statements;
Fraudulent use or destruction of property;
Falsification of documents;
Defrauding of creditors;
Improper use of ‘Incorporated’, 'Inc' or its te reo version ‘Manatōpu’;
Breaching of a banning order.
15.2 Section on Resolution of Disputes as follows added,
If the Member has a dispute that the member does not consider has been resolved to their satisfaction the Member has the right to be fairly heard at a Committee Meeting. The Committee meeting is to be held within 28 days of the Secretary receiving notification of the dispute from the member.
The Member may provide the Secretary with a written explanation of the events as the Member sees them (“the Member’s Explanation”),
The Secretary provides the Member’s Explanation to members of the Committee Members.
The Committee meeting follows the process as described in sections 10,1 to 10.6 of this constitution, to come to a decision on the validity of the dispute and its resolution.
10.1 Committee meetings may be held via video or telephone conference, or other formats as the Committee may decide;
10.2 No Committee Meeting may be held unless more than half of the Committee Members attend;
10.3 The Chair shall chair Committee Meetings, or if the Chair is absent, the Committee shall elect a Committee Member to chair that meeting;
10.4 Decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote;
10.5 The Chair or person acting as Chair has a casting vote, that is, a second vote;
10.6 Only Committee Members present at a Committee Meeting may vote at that Committee Meeting.
25.2 Percentage of members requesting a change to the constitution set at 20%
27.0 Section on Amalgamations added
27,1 c i If the society is wound up, the option of surplus money and other assets being distributed to the International Movement for Monetary Reform is added.
This is in addition to another option where the Committee can vote on another not-for-profit group receiving the surplus money and other assets.