PMNZ June newsletter - Our alternative financing model for water infrastructure and encouraging conversations
Welcome to the June 2024 newsletter. Here is a link to previous newsletters.
Approaching the mayors and industry leaders on financing for water infrastructure
Early in May, we emailed our financing model for water infrastructure to the mayors of the 67 Territorial Authorities and the chairs of the 11 Regional Councils. We also sent our model to the CE of the Department of Internal Affairs, the CE of Water New Zealand, Local Government New Zealand and the Local Government Funding Authority. We have had some encouraging conversations, including one with the CE of the Local Government Funding Authority, Mark Butcher. Mark said our financing proposal had merit, but it was not up to the LGFA to put forward financing options.
Further detail on our financing is provided in a 14-minute presentation I made to the Whanganui District Council. The original presenter had difficulty accessing the Zoom call, so my presentation starts at the 2-hour 13-minute stage and goes through to 2 hours and 27 minutes.
Commerce Commission meeting
We attended a two-day Commerce Commission conference on their personal banking services market study report and made some good contacts including campaigners wanting to break up the big banks. While all of the major players were there, the Reserve Bank was conspicuous by its absence.
Based on our observations from the conference, we submitted a follow-up response to the Draft Report.
Our 2024 AGM
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 12th June 2024, 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm with the Zoom address for the call
Everyone is welcome to join the call, however only financial members will be able to vote.
Here is a link to the agenda, which also includes the minutes of last year’s meeting, The Chair’s report and our financial statement.
During May, we also
Posted an item on a rural cash trial by the Reserve Bank. This was unexpected and welcome move.
Participated in the Reserve Bank webinar on digital cash. It went for an hour, with a ten-minute intro and then questions for about 50 minutes.
Nga mihi
Don Richards